Tally’s Display of information is designed to allow a user get the maximum benefit of the data that is entered. A user gets a holistic picture of the data and is also able to present information using different options. The purpose of compiling data is present it in comprehensible accounting reports. On entering the vouchers, Tally uses the same data and provides you with the management control reports in addition to all books and statements.
The display screens of Tally are dynamic and interactive. They are not spooled print files but are specially designed for the screen. Whatever you see on the screen can be printed as well depending upon your printer’s capabilities.
To view the Display Menu:
Go to Gateway of Tally> Display
Gateway of Tally displays only the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account directly as these statements are considered the most important. All the other Tally reports are classified into two broad categories, namely. Accounting reports and Inventory reports conforming to the two major areas of operations. Each area is further grouped into books and statements.
The Cash and Funds Flow display too has not been grouped under Statements of Accounts.
Trial Balance provides you a report on the account balances sorted by groups, for all the accounts of the selected company. In other words, the Trial balance displays a collection of main groups and their closing balances.
The Stock Summary is a statement of stock-in-hand on a particular date and gets updated every transaction so as to provide the current stock position.
The Ratio Analysis Statement is a single sheet report indicating the company’s performance based on values and key indicators, over a selected period. This report gives a manager an idea of the company’s financial condition and where it is going in the short-term.
The Day Book contains all vouchers for the day, including inventory vouchers. Its purpose is to show you a day’s transactions, though you can display a report for any period using Change period option.
The List of Accounts gives the tree structure of all your masters, namely, Groups, Ledgers, Stock items, Cost Centers, Currencies, etc.
Exception Reports are those reports that track unusual transactions or balances.
Tally creates the books of accounts and the financial statement based on the vouchers entered till date. You can then customize the appearance of reports as required.
For example, you can compare different companies, periods of the financial year, groups and ledgers.
Press Enter after highlighting the item in a report, to navigate to the next level of detail till you reach an individual voucher. Similarly, you can navigate back to higher levels by pressing Esc. The special features available for a displayed report are indicated on the button bar, which can be operated by a single- click of the mouse.
Accessing reports
The Gateway of Tally menu provides access to all the financial reports listed in the Display Menu.
For example, if you want to view the Sales Register,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Sales Register. Tally will display the report for the currently selected period.
Modifying Reports
On selecting a report, the screen displays. Modify the display to suit you requirements using the appropriate buttons form th button bar.
If you select the buttons using the keyboard, the conventions are:
F (n):- Press the F (n) key
F (n):- Press Alt + F (n)
F (n):-Press Ctrl + F (n)
Note: Here n is used as an example of a function key (Eg. F1, F2 and so on).
(Alt + F1) F1: – Detailed/Condensed
Adds a further level of detail to the report, or condenses the report.
F2: Period
You can change the period of the report by specifying From/To dates.
F3: Company
If you have more than one company select, this button enables you to switch among them to display the new company data in the current screen format.
F4: to F10:
The functions performed by these buttons vary from report to report.
F11: Company Features
This button is not related to displaying reports but to setting the options that affect the voucher entry.
F12: Configure
This button is very relevant to displaying reports and enables you to define the report specific options.
For example, depending on the report displayed you can specify whether it should be in horizontal or vertical format, show percentages, show gross profit, show opening and/or closing balances, change the periodicity, change the sorting method, and so on.
For instance, if you want to view graphs with monthly reports:
- Select the F12: Configure Button while in the Gateway of Tally screen and you will be taken to the Configuration menu.
- select General and by default Show Monthly Reports with Graphs under Other Options is set to Yes. If this option is No set it to Yes.
(Alt + F12) F12: Range
This button enables you to filter the information displayed based on monetary values.
For example, you can specify that you want Tally to display only Vouchers having Batch Names greater than $5,000 in Day Book.
(Ctrl + F12) F12: Value
This button enables you to filter vouchers.
For example, you can specify that you want vouchers having Employee-Attendance Entries with their Designation containing all the details about the employee
New Column (Alt +c)
This button enables you to add and display another column in the report to compare information.
Alter Column (Alt + a)
This button enables you to alter the details of a new column added previously, for example, the date range. Select the column to be altered by positioning the cursor on it.
Del Column (Alt + d)
Use this button to delete the column, which you no longer wish to have in the report
Auto Column (Alt + n)
Use this button to add multiple columns to a report.
For example, add columns for each month, or to accommodate other companies if more than one company has been selected. You can also have a total column.
Report Specific options
Report specific options, if any are displayed at the bottom-half of the screen and can be amended as per requirements.
Books of account
Books of account record the transaction details as entered. Although items are posted too many different ledgers, Tally brings all the transactions of a particular category together into a book of account for viewing and printing.
For example, Cash Book records all the transactions affecting cash and the Sales Book records all sales transactions.
Statement of Accounts
These pertain to cost centres and outstanding analysis. The Statements of Account are derived from individual transactions but are not statutory requirements.
Financial Statements though derived from individual transaction tend to show summary totals, ratios and statistics, analyzing a company’s financial data in a wide variety of ways. Financial statements include Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, and Cash Flow Analysis and form part of the statutory requirements in most countries.
- All books are displayed as a monthly summary with opening and closing balances.
- Select a month and press Enter to display all transactions for the month. The opening and closing balances as well as the total of all transactions are displayed.
- Select a transaction to bring up the voucher. The voucher displays either in alteration mode or simply displays depending on your access rights.
Let us see some typical examples of how to display the books of account and financial statements. You will then be able to experiment with other statements for yourself
To view the Cash/Bank Summary
- If you have more than one bank account, select one bank account. Press Enter to display the Ledger Monthly Summary.
- All the vouchers for the selected month are listed. Press Esc to return to the Ledger Monthly Summary screen.
- Select F12: Value to bring up the Value to Calculate in Report screen.
a) Select Voucher Type from the Particulars menu.
b) In the Particulars menu, select Narration.
c) In the Range of Info. Menu select equal to.
d) Type Contra in the next field and press Enter.
e) In the Condition menu select End of List and press Enter twice.
- In the display of the Ledger Monthly Summary the figure are now reduced as they show only Contra vouchers. To check this, position th highlight bar over the July figures and press Enter to display the details.
- Press Esc until you return to the Gateway of Tally menu.
The Balance Sheet is a report on the status of the financial affairs of a company at a given date. To view Balance Sheet:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Balance Sheet
Press F12: Configuration and set the required parameters to display the Balance Sheet accounting to yore preferences.
Note: Balance Sheet gets updated instantly with every transaction voucher that is entered and saved.
The Balance Sheet screen is displayed in the Horizontal form. See it in a Vertical form by activating Show Vertical Balance Sheet to Yes in F12: Configuration
Extract information form the Balance sheet using options available in the Button Bar.
- Select F1: – Detailed/Condensed to explode the summarized information.
- Change the date of the Balance Sheet using F2: Period.
- Add up new columns and
- Display a Balance Sheet for a different date to compare with current one
- Display the Balance Sheet in a different currency
- Display Budget figures and analyse the variances or
Effect on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
Integrate Accounts with Inventory in F11: Features has a significant effect on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.
- If Accounts with Inventory is set to Yes in F11: Features, it has stock/inventory balance figures are updated from the inventory records, which in turn enables you to drill down to the Stock Registers from the Balance Sheet.
- If the option Accounts with Inventory is set to No in F11: Features, the inventory books figures are ignored and closing stock balances are entered manually.
Note: Stock records often contain compensating errors caused by wrong allocation to items. This feature of Tally enables the finalization of financial books without waiting for reconciliation of stock that might take time.
The Profit and Loss Account shows the operational results over a given period. It lists out the Incomes and Expenditures based on the Primary Groups of Tally and the Profit & Loss Account in Tally is updated instantly with every transaction voucher that is entered and saved.
To view the Profit & Loss Account
Go to Gateway of Tally > Profit & Loss Account
Note: The Profit & Loss Account is displayed according to the configuration set up for it in F12: Configure.
The sample screen shown is in horizontal form which is the default display. You can also set it up to display in vertical form.
Using options in the Button Bar
- Select F1: Detailed/Condensed to display more information or condense.
- Change the date of the Profit & Loss Account using F2: Period.
- Add new columns to
- Display a Profit & Loss Account for a diffe3rnet period to compare with the current one
- display the Profit & Loss Account in a different currency
- Display a column with Budget figures and analyse variances
- See the effect of different Stock Valuations on the Profit/Loss account.
- Select and compare Profit & Loss of different companies.
Account statements for Non-Trading Organizations
For Non-Trading accounts (e.g. Accounts of Charitable Organizations), the Trading and Profit & Loss Statement are inappropriate.
In such cases, you may use Income & Expenditure Account by setting Income/Expense Stmt instead of P&L to Yes in F11: Features.
The Income & Expenditure Statement displays as shown.
Trial Balance is a report of all account balance for the company sorted by groups, i.e., it is displayed in a grouped form, comprising main groups and their closing balances. You can see that the debit and credit balance match.
In Tally, the matching of the Trial Balance is a foregone conclusion since all voucher entries are in Debit – Credit format and must balance at the entry point
To view the Trial Balance
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Trial Balance
Note: As per accounting principles, the Trial Balance does not list Closing Stock.
- Select F1: Detailed to break down the grouped information or simply drill down a Group of further detail.
- Select F5: Led-wise to list all ledgers and their closing balances.
- Select New Column to bring up the closing balances for another date
To view Day Book
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display> Daybook
The Day Book lists all transactions made over a particular day and by default displays the last voucher entry date of a regular voucher. It could also be set up to list all the transactions made over a period.
Press F2: Period on the button bar or press the keys Alt+F2.
All the transactions include all financial vouchers, reversing and memorandum journals as well as inventory vouchers.
Consider an example:
Day Book for a period
You can also filter the list so as to display the transactions of a particular voucher type using F4: Chg Vch button from the button bar.
The objective of having books and registers in Tally is to pile up similar entries into a single entity so that they are meaningful, e.g., all cash entries in the Cash Book, all sales entries in the Sales Day Book (called Sales Register).
The Tally transaction flow
A part from the subsidiary books, entries are also filed under each Voucher Type. Therefore, there will be as many registers as there are voucher types.
Journal, Sales Register, Purchase Register, Debit Note Register, Credit Note Register, Payment Register, Receipts Register, etc. are the different kinds of Registers.
There are three ways to view various types of registers:
- From the Display menu
- By changing the type of voucher from within a register
- From the Statistics page
Consider the Sales Register which includes most of the options.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account books > Sales Register
The following screen displays.
By default, all registers display Monthly Summary with transactions and closing balances. For Balance Sheet Accounts, opening balance is displayed at the top of the screen.
Select a month and press Enter to see the Sales Voucher Register.
A list of all sales vouchers pertaining to the month you selected displays. You can use the options in the button bar to change the display according to your preferences. You can change the period of the report as well as the depth of information.
Use F12: Configure to see the report with some or all of the following information, namely Narrations, Bill –wise details, Cost Centre details and Inventory details.
Click on F1: Detailed to view the report in detailed format.
Display the Sales Voucher Register for a period by drilling down a month and change the period if required.
Select F2: Show Profit or activate the option Show Gross Profit estimates to Yes in F12: Configure.
The report now displays each invoice with
Transaction Value – Invoice value including taxes
Gross Revenue- Actual sale value minus taxes
Cost – Book cost of the product
Gross Profit – Amount of profit or loss on the sale
When you are in the Sales Voucher Register, select F6: Extract from the button bar.
The following screen displays.
The Extract gives a break-down of the sales vouchers and groups them to provide totals for each group and ledger used in all sales vouchers for the period. The information is useful, when you want to know how much each group of customers bought, what is the tax component or what is the total value of each sales ledger.
Inventory- wise Extract of Sales Register
“ in the Sales Voucher Register select F6: Extract from the button bar
“ Go to F12: Configure.
“ Set Show Inventory-wise Extract to Yes to view the report of the details on quantity and value.
When drilling down from a statement into any Group, Ledger, Stock item or Cost center the screen displayed first is the Monthly summary. Monthly Summary can also be accessed from a voucher level screen with the help of the button Monthly. The monthly summary shows the opening balance for the year, and then lists cash month’s total transactions, inclusive of both debit (inwards for stocks) and credit (outwards for stocks) and finally each month’s closing balance. Below the monthly summary, is a bar chart showing the movement of account.
Use F12: Configure to display the monthly summary accounting to your requirements.
The options available on the button bar are very useful for configuring managerial reports.
E. g. Use the New Column button to bring up the Monthly Summary of another ledger or object or the same object in another company.
Press the button F5: Quarterly, to view the summarized quarterly figures.
Use the options in F12: Configure to view the details on percentages, averages and so on.
Ledger Voucher Monthly Summary
The Ledger Voucher Monthly summary screen is displayed as shown.
The cost category monthly summary is displayed as shown. You can place the cursor on any particular month, say October and drill down for more details.
Stock Item Monthly summary
The screen will be displays as follows. If you want to view the details for any particular month you have to place the cursor on the month and drill down.
Cash and Funds Flow
Cash management is essential for any business. Many companies, as they go into liquidation, continue to make profits because of insolvency. Businesses shut down because of lack of cash despite being profitable. Cash and Fund Flow Statements aid in cash management and are an important component of the management accounts.
Cash Flow
Cash Flow Statement is a chronological account of the movement of cash in and out of the business and includes all cash transactions made with banks also. When used with banks also. When used with the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account, the Cash Flow Statement helps to assess the reasons for the differences between net income and net cash flow as well as the effect of cash/non-cash investing and financing transactions.
To access the Cash Flow:
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Cash/Funds Flow> Cash Flow
- A Monthly Cash Flow Summary that shows the Cash Movement – inflow and outflow for each month and the Nett Flow, displays.
- Select a month and Press Enter to drill down. Select the button F1: Detailed form the button bar to see the cash flow for that month.
For Quarterly Cash Flow:
- Change Period by pressing F2: Period and set the period, e.g., 1-4-05 to 1-12-05.
- Select the option Auto Column from the button bar.
- You can also select Quarterly (or Monthly or any other period) form the list
While Cash Flow Statement is concerned only with cash, Funds Flow takes into account, the movement of the entire working capital. It includes rise4 and fall in inventories, creditors and debtors apart from cash and bank. The statement reveals the Sources of Funds and how they were applied.
To access the Funds Flow:
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Cash/Funds Flow > Funds Flow
- A Monthly Funds Flow Summary with the movement of working capital for each month displays. It shows the Opening and Closing Balances of each month with a column for Funds Flow.
- Select a month and press Enter to drill down.
- The Bottom of the screen displays the movement in Working Capital.
You can drill down any line for further detail.
For Quarterly Funds Flow:
- Change the period by pressing F2: Period
- Set the period e.g., 1.1.04 to 1.5.04.
- Select the button Auto Column from the button bar.
- Else Select Quarterly (or Monthly or any other period) from the list
Reconciliation of Bank accounts
Reconciling the company’s bank accounts with the banker’s statement is a regular task of accounting. In Tally, Reconciliation of Bank Accounts facilitates the following:
Ability to ‘check back’ the correctness of reconciliation
Tally uses Bank Date to mark against the voucher.
Fro instance, if you issue a cheque on 8th April and your bank clears it on 19th April; you would set the Bank Date for the voucher as 19th April. This means that when you need to ‘check back’ later, whether th entry made by you is correct, you will only need to verify the bank statement of the 19th.
Recovering the reconciliation of any date
This is of crucial importance in Auditing. The Bank Reconciliation is one of the per-requisites of auditing and verification of the correctness of accounts at the year end. However, it is not a ‘real-time’ task, meaning auditors do not do it on the first day of the next year.
For e.g., the reconciliation made on 31st March, should be ‘viewable’ even in August, by when almost all the cheques would have subsequently been marked Reconciled. Tally provides you with a facility of achieving this also.
Bank accounts may have a different Starting Date for reconciliation purpose. When you create a bank account, you are prompted to give an Effective Date for Reconciliation. Normally, this would be the Books Beginning from date itself. However, you could have imported data from a pervious version of Tally or from any other system (where the reconciliation process was not available or was different). In that case, you may not want to reconcile the bank account with your bank statements from the very beginning. Give the date from which you want the reconciliation facility to be active. Once you do this, pervious entries would not appear for reconciliation, but would be taken as a reconciled Opening Balance.
A quick experiment with Reconciliation will show you what it all means. Here is how you go about it:
- Bring up the monthly summary of any bankbook.
(You can choose a bank book form any of the following: Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Display > Account Books > Cash/Bank Books).
- Bring the cursor to the first month (typically April), and press Enter. This brings up the vouchers for the month of April. Since this is a bank account, you can see an additional button F5: Reconcile on the button bar to the right. Press F5.
- The display goes to the Reconciliation mode, which can be edited. The primary component of the current screen is the column for Bankers Date.
- The Reconciliation found at the bottom of the screen shows:
- Balance as per Company Books
- Amounts not reflected in Bank
- Balance as per Bank
The Balance as per Company Books reflects the balance as on the last date (in the example, it is 30th April).
The Amounts not reflected in Bank are the debit and Credit sums of all those vouchers, whose Bank Date is either BLANK, or LATER than 30-Apr (i.e. these vouchers have not yet been reflected in the bank statement).
The Balance as per Bank is the net effect to the Book Balance offset by the amounts not reflected in the Bank – which must equal the balance in the bank statement.
Note: Some discrepancies may persist due to entries made in the bank statement, which you have not yet entered in your book. You would reconcile these manually, and print your reconciliation.
As you mark the individual vouchers by setting the Bank Date, you will notice that the Reconciliation at the bottom of the screen keeps updating the changes. Once this process is complete, press Ctrl + A or Enter as many times as necessar4y to skip over the unmarked vouchers and accept the screen.
The next time you opt for reconciliation; the screen displays only those vouchers that remain unrecognized. You can also display vouchers that are already marked as reconciled, in case you need to edit the marking, by using F12: Configure.
Set Show Reconciled Vouchers also to Yes to see the reconciled vouchers.
Note: It is not possible to reconcile opening balance and can be done only with available physical transactions.
Set Allow back dated Reconciliation to Yes to enter bank dates which are lesser than the Voucher date.
Press Alt + P or click on the Print button to print your reconciliation report.
Display Inventory Reports & Statements
Inventory in Tally operates in the same way as accounting with regard to displaying, modifying and printing reports. Tally generates inventory report based on the vouchers entered to date. You can use the customized reports to compare inventory data between different companies, periods of the financial year, and so on.
Highlight the item and press Enter to step down to the next level of detail in a report. Report this process till you reach an individual voucher. Similarly, step back to higher levels by pressing Esc. The special features available for the currently displayed report are indicated on the button bar and can be selected with a single click of the mouse.
This section highlights some special inventory screens and illustrates a basic level of customization.
Stock Summary is a statement of stock-in-hand as on a particular date. It is updated with every transaction in real time and provides the current stock position.
The statement can be drilled-down, as with all Tally reports, and configured to enable you to view different details, for instance, the total flow of total flow of stock can be viewed with a single report.
Tally treats Stock Summary as one of the Primary statements and makes it accessible directly form the Gateway of Tally.
To view Stock Summary
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Stock Summary
- The default display is of Stock Group balances.
- Select Detailed to show another level of detail.
The detailed report will include sub-groups or Stock Items (in cases where there are no sub-groups), display as shown:
In the above illustration the stock groups Hardware and Software contain stock items and have closing balances.
The Stock Groups displays total quantities, as the unit of measure is the same for all the stock items added. A grand total is also available as there is a single unit of measure for all ‘addable’ items. If there were different units of measure, then the grand total would not be calculated and displayed.
You can configure the Stock Summary Statement to display the flow of goods.
The Stock Summary displays the flow of stock, i.e. Opening Stock, Goods Inwards, Goods Outward and Closing Stock, as shown.
The report is quantitatively reconciled, i.e., Opening quantity + Inward Quantity – Outward Quantity = Closing Stock Quantity. However, this is incorrect for the values as the Outward value displays Sale Values, not Cost. The Closing Stock Value is, however, based on Cost and the Cost Method adopted for each item. Value Reconciliation is possible if you are using Consumption figures instead of Sales Value.
The Stock Summary report with stock valuation methods can be used to view the effects of different methods on the value of stock. Each stock item can be set up to have a different stock valuation method. In some instances, a particular method of valuation may be required, for example, to assess the replacement value or saleable value of stock. Tally displays stocks in any or all th valuation methods dynamically and simultaneously, without any complicated procedure.
Suppose you want to use Last Purchase Cost method to assess the replacement value and the Last Sale Price method for realizable (saleable) value.
In the Stock Summary screen, select the New Column button on the button bar or press Alt+C. The screen appears as shown below.
Select Last Sale Price from the Stock Valuation Methods list.
The Stock summary report with Last Sale Price column displays as shown:
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books> Stock Item
You can also use the Stock Summary to view Stock Items. Place the cursor on the item and press Enter.
- Select an item from the List of Items.
- Select F12: Configure. Tab down the Configuration menu to Show with Graph? Type y and press Enter
Select Bar and No. the particulars display with a graph of Goods Inwards and Outwards (red for inwards, blue for outwards).
Stock Query report provides you all the information about a particular item.
To create Stock Query:
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Stock Query
- Select an Item from the List of Items. Tally uses the Stock Category to display Items of the same Category. This feature helps you to ascertain the availability and location of alternative products to offer your customer.
Additional Information:
- Go to the Group Summary, select Software and press F12: Range to limit the display to Stock Groups having Closing Balance greater than 3000.
- Explore the Locations report. Select On-site, click F1: Detailed, change the period: 1-5-05 to 31-7-05, and use Auto Column to bring up the month-by-month figures
- Auto Column feature gives you the facility to check the stock status using different periods.
- Bring up the initial display of each report and use Enter and Esc to drill-down through the levels of detail and back again.
The Analysis of Inventory Movements is generated for accounted transactions only, unlike Stock Summaries and other statements, where Goods Received but Bills not Received and Goods Dispatched but Bills not Raised are also considered. Thus Analysis statements, are used generally for a comparative study, and not considered authentic for Accounts or Inventory records.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Movement Analysis
Analyse stock movements by stock groups, categories, financial group or ledger.
Movement Analysis of a selected stock group displays the Total Inward and Outward movement of all the items in a selected Stock Group. The quantities displayed are Actual Quantities of movement (which, in some cases, may be different from the Billed Qty in the transactions.) The ‘Inward’ detail displays the Effective Rate or Final Landed Cost of the materials, after considering all overhead costs (see ‘Valuation of Purchases’). If the Effective Rate varies from the Basic Invoice Rate of the materials, it is highlighted. The Outward detail displays the Basic Invoice Rate and Value of goods sold/transferred out.
Gateway of Tally>Display >Inventory Books > Movement Analysis> Stock Item Analysis.
Item Movement Analysis is the next level of information (press Enter on the Stock Item or Display Inventory Books Stock Item Analysis). This brings up the Party-wise/Transfer-wise detail of Movements. The Inward detail displays the Basic Invoice Rate and Effective Rate.
This report helps you compare Purchase Costs across different suppliers. For example, supplier A may have a lower Basic Invoice Rate as Compared to Supplier B, though the Effective Rate may be higher (perhaps due to differences in Taxes, Packing Costs, and Freight Costs etc). Suppose a material is manufactured in-house as well as purchased, the difference in Purchase Costs and In-house Costs can be checked. Select multiple columns for different periods, to view the changes in the Effective Rate for purchases.
Press Enter on the Party Name or Stock Journal Name to display the transaction-level details on Date of goods received/sold, Quantities, Basic Rates, Addl.Costs, and Effective Rate for each transaction.
The default screen displays the Addl.Costs (if any), in a single column. To view the spread of costs, press F12: Configure and select to view Show Addl.Costs. This brings up the bifurcation of all Additional Costs.
This report gives the value details of all transactions for a selected stock item from a particular supplier or to a particular customer. It is obtained from Movement Analysis Report of a stock item.
- Go to Gateway of Tally> Display> Inventory Books > Movement Analysis.
- Select Item from List.
The report displays every purchase from Tally Solutions. Bangalore during the period specified with break-down of Basic Value and Additional Cost. To view full details of Additional Cost, Press F12: Configure and set the option.
The Item Voucher Analysis considers only billed transactions, not ones for which invoices have not been raised.
Use F12: Configure foe more details.
- Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Movement Analysis > Category Analysis.
- Select a category, for example, spreadsheets.
- Change period, if necessary
The Stock Category Analysis statement displays the movement of Stock Items of a selected Stock Category.
The Inward and Outward movement of these two items are summarized in the Summary. Drill-down to bring up the Item Movement Analysis for the selected item.
Ledger Analysis is similar to Movement Analysis, except that you can view movements of the items for the selected Ledger (Party). Thus, you get an ‘analyses of all purchases made from a supplier, or all items sold to a customer. The next level of information brings up the transaction level details.
When using different Stock Journals for each transaction, transfer Analysis gives the movement details for each type of Stock Journal. This is a very useful costing and waster analysis tool. In non-manufacturing set ups, which have Multiple Godowns, this report becomes a quick check to verify that all transfer entries have entered correctly.
Reports and documents generated through Tally’s extensive display capabilities can also be printed.
Printing is possible in two ways:
- Using the Print (Alt + P) button and
- Multi-Account Printing
Using the Print (Alt + P) button
You can choose to print directly from the screen currently displayed by selecting the button PRINT (top-most button on the right-hand side of the screen). This brings up the Print Configuration screen for the report and new button options on the right-hand side of the screen.
You can change and alter the settings in the print configuration screen
Printer – Click Alt + S (Select Printer) to change printer settings. This also displays the default paper size that you have set for the printer.
No. of Copies- Click Alt + C (Copies) to specify the number of copies to be printed.
Print Language – Set Enable Multilingual Support to Yes in F12: Configure and click Alt + L (Print Language) to print in the language of your choice.
Method – Click Alt + F (Print Format) to select the print format. A pop-up list displaying the printing formats available in Tally. The formats provide are, dot-Matrix Format, Near Format and Quick (Draft) Format. Here you can select either the per-printed or plain paper to print out your reports.
Pre-Printed / Plain Paper:
By default, the Printing Configuration screen is set to print on plain paper. The print-out displays as shown.
To print on a per-printed invoice/ report, select Pre-printed (Alt+ R) and the Print Preview screen display as shown.
Tally enables you to print the company details on the invoice/ report. You can toggle between the two options to print using either method.
Page Range – Click Alt + G (Page Nos) to select the starting page number and the page number range.
Paper Type – The paper Type can be set after you select the printer.
Paper Size – By default, the paper size in Tally is set at 8.50 X 10.98 or 216mm X 279mm.
To alter the paper size to your requirements, select Alt+S (Select Printer).
Use Export option to export data (reports and statements) from Tally. The exported data can be rearranged on a spreadsheet, published on the web or exported to another company using Tally.
Go to a repot or a statement and click on the Export button or use ALT+E. The export screen displays Export? Yes or No.
Press Backspace or No to navigate through the fields and alter the parameters
This option enables you to export your report in English or any of the Indian languages.
On selecting Default (All Languages) you can export your reports in any of the Indian languages. However, the display language has to be set to the respective Indian language.
On Selecting Restricted (ASCII Only) you can export your reports in English.
Note: If you have used the option Restricted (ASCII Only) to export reports of a company created in any of the Indian language, then the exported data will appear with question marks.
Tally has three formats for export of data from E-mail, Export and Upload options:
By default, the exported file will be saved in the Tally folder on your computer. To export to a different folder enter the path of the drive and folder in Output File Name. Another program can be used to import the content from the exported file or used as it is.
Tally has three formats for export of data from E-mail, Export and Upload options:
American Standard code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a plain-text format, without any special formatting or fonts, in which data is separated using commas. Commonly used for email and all email programs, ASCII data can also be easily worked upon by other programs.
Reports in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format retain their formatting and fonts. They can be read using an HTML enabled program, or using browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Resolution (Only in HTML format)
Resolution is based on the pixels used to format the report. A higher resolution gives a better quality of output. The Resolution option is available only in HTML format in Tally.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an extension of HTML, but the data can be imported by other XML- aware systems. Using XML, Tally allows the user to exchange information even with systems that do not run Tally. An XML file from Tally has as XML envelope and is formatted with XML tags, to enable import into other systems. The destination system requires reformatting of XML Style Sheets (XSLT), based on the inherent style used in Tally before importing the data. When two systems are running different versions of Tally, XML data can be directly imported using the import menu option, without any re-formatting.
Data from Tally in XML format can be imported by another system with ease in lesser time.
XML is fast emerging as the de facto standard for information exchange all over the world. This format helps the user to collaborate and share information with others.
By default, the exported file will be saved in the Tally folder on your computer. To export to a different folder enter the path of the drive and folder in Output File Name. Another program can be used to import the content form the exported file or used as it is.
Data can be imported to Tally from other users of Tally. Tally can also be programmed to import data from other systems to be used as an integrated system.
Fro example, a Customer Contact Management Program, with details such as status of an order and last contact established, can be imported to Tally. This imported data can be merged into a report containing outstanding balances. When data is changed in the other system, the change is also reflected in Tally.
To import data, Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data
Only the Tally XML format is supported for import of Data in Tally.
Tally (XML) Format
This option imports data in XML format. More on XML.
Synchronization is the replication of data between two or more locations that use Tally. Data can be sent over the Internet, or in a private network system. Tally offers control over the frequency of replication. Data can be replicated after each transaction or updated at specific intervals.
Synchronization takes place in a Client-Server environment and can be initiated only by the client. Data from the client is transferred to the server and from the server to the client.
Replicating data is a single-click activity in Tally once Synchronization is set up between a server and its clients.
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