Monday, September 9, 2019

Tally Definition Language (TDL) Syllabus

Tally Definition Language (TDL) isthe development of Tally.ERP9. This allows the programmers to develop and deploy faster, effective Tally Extensions with ease .


Page 1

  • Tally Definition Language – An Introduction
  • Tally Definition Language
  • Comparison with other Languages

  • The TDL Program - At a Glance
  • TDL Capabilities
  • TDL – Features

  • TDL Components
  • Writing a Basic TDL Program
  • Steps to create a TDL Program
  • Specification of TDL Files
  • Executing Multiple Files using Include Definition
  • TDL Interfaces
    Hello TDL’ Program
    TDL Components
  • Definitions
  • Attributes
  • Modifiers
  • Actions in TDL
  • Data Types
  • Operators in TDL
  • Special Symbols
  • Functions

  • Symbols and Prefixes
  • Access Specifiers/Symbol Prefixes
  • General Symbols
  • The Usage of @ and @@
  • efining a Local Formula using @
  • Defining a Global Formula using @@
  • The Usage of # and ##
  • Referencing a Field using #
  • Modifying existing Definitions using #
  • Accessing value from a Variable using ##
  • The Usage of $ and $$
  • Accessing a Method using $
  • Calling an Internal Function using $$

  • Commenting a Code using ;, ;; and /**/
  • Line Continuation Character (+)
  • Exposing Methods and Creating Procedures (_)
  • Reinitialize Definitions (*)
  • Optional Definitions (!)

  • Dimensions and Formatting
  • Unit of Measurement
    Dimensional Attributes
  • Sizing/Size Attributes
  • Spacing/Position Attributes
  • Alignment Attributes
  • Some Specific Attributes
  • Inactive
  • Invisible
  • Some Specific Attributes
  • Definitions and Attributes for Formatting
  • Definition - Border
  • Definition - Style
  • Definition - Color
  • Attributes ‘Background’ and ‘Print BG’
  • Attribute - Format
  • Page 2

  • Variables, Buttons and Keys
  • Variable
  • Attributes of a Variable
  • The Scope of a Variable
  • Modifying the Variable Value
  • Example - Variables
  • Buttons and Keys
  • Attributes of Buttons/ Keys

  • Objects and Collections
  • Objects
  • Tally Object Structure
  • Tally Objects Types
  • Object Context
  • Collections
  • Types of Collection
  • Sources of Collection
  • Creating a Collection
  • Object Association
  • Report Level Object association
  • Part Level Object Association
  • Line Level Object Association
  • Field Level Object Association
  • Methods
  • Types of Methods
  • Accessing Methods
  • Collection Capabilities
  • Basic Capabilities
  • Advanced Capabilities

  • Actions in TDL
  • Categories of Actions
    Action Association
  • Action Association at ‘Menu’ Definition
  • Action Association at ‘Button’/ ‘Key’ Definition
  • Action Association at ‘Field’ Definition
  • Components of Actions
    Global Actions
  • Action — Menu
  • Action — Modify Object
  • Action – Browse URL
  • Actions – ‘Create’ and ‘Alter’
  • Actions — Create Collection, Display Collection and Alter Collection
  • Object Specific Actions
  • Menu Actions – Menu Up, Menu Down, Menu Reject
  • Form Actions – Form Accept, Form Reject, Form End
  • Part Actions – Part Home, Part End, Part Pg Up
  • Line Actions – Explode, Display Object, Alter Object
  • Field Actions – Field Copy, Field Paste, Field Erase, Calculator

  • User Defined Fields
  • What is UDF?
  • Creating a UDF
  • Storing User Inputs in the UDF
  • Retrieving the value of UDF from an Object
  • Classification of UDF’s
  • Simple UDF
  • Aggregate UDF
  • Page 3

  • Reports, Printing and Validation Controls
  • Reports
  • Tabular Reports
  • Hierarchical Report (Drill down Report)
  • Column Based Reports
  • Printing
  • Menu Action – Print/ Print Collection
  • Button Action – Print Report
  • Page Breaks
  • Frequently Used Attributes and Functions

  • Validation and Controls
  • Field Level Attribute — Validate
  • Field Level Attribute — Unique
  • Field Level Attribute — Notify
  • Field Level Attribute — Control
  • Form Level Attribute — Control
  • Menu Level Attribute — Control
  • Report Level Attribute — Family

  • Voucher and Invoice Customisation
  • Classification of Vouchers
  • Accounting Vouchers
  • Inventory Vouchers
  • Accounting-cum-Inventory Vouchers
  • The Structure of a Voucher Object
  • Voucher Customisation
  • Invoice Customisation

  • General and Collection Enhancements
  • Definition, Attribute and Modifier Enhancements
  • Attribute Enhancements
  • Modifier Enhancements
  • Behavioral change in System Definitions
  • Partial Attribute Support
  • Enhanced Special Symbols
  • Multi – line commenting in TDL source code using /* and */
  • Extension of modifying definitions using #
  • ‘*’ (Reinitialize) Definition modifier

  • Method Formula Syntax with Relative Object Specification 
    Enhancements – ObjectAssociation
  • Report Level Object Association
  • Part Level Object Association
  • Line Level Object Association
  • Field Level Object Association
  • Page 4

    Enhancements – Object Access via Interface Object
  • Identifying Part and Line Interface object with ‘Access Name’
  • Value Extraction
  • Bracket support in TDL
  • During the Function Call
  • In the language syntax for nesting formulas
  • As a Mathematical Operator
  • Action Enhancements
  • Enhancements in Key Actions
  • New Actions
  • Events introduced
  • Event – On Form Accept
  • Event – On Focus
  • User Defined Function
    New Functions
  • Function - $$IsObjectBelongsTo
  • Function - $$NumLinesInScope
  • Function - $$DateRange
  • Enhanced Collection Capabilities
  • Aggregation and Reporting
  • The Summary Collection is available through Tally ODBC Interface
  • HTTP XML Collection (GET and POSTwith and without Object Specification)
  • Usage As Tables
  • Dynamic Object support for HTTP–XML Information Interchange
  • Collection Capabilities for Remoting
  • User Defined Functions
  • Functions – In General
  • Functions – In TDL
  • Function – Building Blocks
  • Definition Block
  • Procedural Block
  • Valid Statements inside a Function
  • Programming Constructs In Function
  • Actions used in a TDL Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Using the Action ‘CALL’
  • Using the Symbol Prefix ‘$$’
  • Function Execution – Object Context
  • Target Object Context
  • Parameter Evaluation Context
  • Return Value Evaluation
  • Many More.....
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